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Blog de moardena

01 de Abril, 2011 · General

PC Health Advisor

The other day I was trying to Follow someone new on PC Health Advisor and was unable to Follow them. Without knowing it, I had hit the magic 2,000 Following limit.

Follow limits will only kick in after you have a high number of unreciprocated follow attempts that reach the 1,500 or 2,000 mark. There is also a rumored 10,000 Following Limit, but first things first. This article will help you with what you need to do when you reach the 2000 person Following limit on pc health advisor.

What to Do When You Reach the Limit - Following limits cannot be lifted by asking customer service to lift them for you. There is only one way to get around the limit and that is to Unfollow people. This is the advice coming straight from pc health advisor's customer service page:

    "If you've reached a follow limit, you can help yourself by reducing your following number until it resembles your followers number. Since the follow limit is based on followers/following ratio rather than time, you'll have to un-follow people before you're able to follow again."

More specifically, here is what I did once I hit the pc health advisor Following Limit:

Unfollow People Who Do Not Follow You Back - How can you tell who is following you back? Click on your Following list and if you cannot send a direct message to them, then they are not Following you back.

Unfollow Boring People - I call them boring, but they are the people who just tell you what they had for dinner or do not tweet enough. In short, unfollow those people if they are not providing valuable tweets.

Unfollow Celebrities and Gurus - Yes, it can be fun to Follow these people but if they do not tweet often or provide value, you really are not missing out on much if you stop Following them.

pc health advisor Following Limit - In Conclusion
If you are following that many people then either you are a celebrity-obsessed person, trying to make money online or well, really, really connected.

Do Not Follow People Aggressively - If you are Following too many people and only 37 people are Following you, it is an indication to others that you are not providing great value on pc health advisor.

The point is to leverage pc health advisor to have conversations with people that are two-way. If you are following a bunch of people that are not following you back, maybe you should find some interesting and insightful people that will follow you back.

publicado por moardena a las 01:25 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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